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I’ve previously written about a great plugin that will help boost the value of all the backlinks that you receive to your WordPress site.

And now there’s an additional fantastic new way to achieve the same goal and possibly with even better results!

This WordPress plugin is called Pingback Optimizer. In principle it does the same thing as Paul Forcey?s Indexing Tool plugin – that is, it reads the list of pingbacks that your blog receives and then it tells the search engines about those links. The search engines can then go visit the page on which those links reside, index them and find the backlinks to your site. Add that to your link popularity and link reputation and, hey presto! you have just enhanced your search engine positioning.

The Indexing Tool plugin achieves this by putting a link on your site that points to a page on another site that contains your article. The search engines can follow the link from your site, to the other site, and then follow the backlink on that site back to your site. At this stage, the external page has been indexed (job done) and the link to that page is removed from your own site. You can read the full details over here.

Comparing Pingback Optimizer To The Indexing Tool

The difference with Pingback Optimizer’s approach is that it does the same thing by using RSS notifications. Here?s how it works?

When a blog out there receives an article from the likes of Unique Article Wizard, Article Marketing Automation, SEO LinkVine or similar article submission services it will (sometimes, not always) then try to notify your blog that it has done so. This is called a pingback.

Your site receives this pingback and, optionally, will display the details as a comment on your blog.

The Pingback Optimizer plugin will also receive this pingback, and then it gets to work.

Each pingback received by Pingback Optimizer gets added to an RSS feed. Pingback Optimizer then ?pings?, that is contacts, ten RSS aggregators to tell them about the new page that has just been published. These aggregators are always looking for new content, so they then go and read your RSS feed, get the links to the sites that have the links back to you, visit them, and the publish those pages through their syndication network.

Which results in more exposure for your article, and more links back to your site.

So, how does this fit in with Paul Forcey?s Indexing Tool plugin?

Both aim to get more recognition of your articles out on the web. One does it by posting links to those pages, the other by submitting those pages to RSS aggregators. These are two complementary methods that will both work on a blog.

So, there’s no reason not to use both unless cost is a consideration. Both are available for a one-time fee and can be used on multiple blogs, so why not use both (I do)?

One more thing ? make sure you tick the “Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks)” option on the Settings->Discussion panel so that both these plugins have something to work with.

Summing Up

Pingback OptimizerI’m in favour of anything that reduces the amount of time spent on the onerous task of backlink building. So the Pingback Optimizer plugin gets a thumbs up from me. It’s incredibly simple to set up and runs on autopilot thereafter. Using it in conjunction with the Indexing Tool plugin just doubles the chances that you can get external pages with your articles indexed and get the resulting benefit from the backlinks contained in those articles.

So what’s not to like? Well, perhaps one thing. There are two version of Pingback Optimizer available, one for use on a single domain ($47) and one for use on multiple domains ($97). The multiple-domain version is what I recommend even though it is twice the price of the Indexing Tool (which has a multi-domain licence by default).

I use both plugins on my sites and they are steadily getting all those non-indexed articles I’ve submitted over the last couple of years indexed, finally.

Pingback Optimizer is another highly recommended plugin.


All the best,

Gary Nugent

P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that:


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