If you look around the web, you’ll find glowing reviews of One Minute Commissions. So will my review of this product fall in line with those from other reviewers? Read on…

First Impressions of The One Minute Commissions Sales Page

When you visit the One Minute Commissions website, you’re presented with a video of a young fella saying how great the system was for him, and a rolling clock of how much money this system has made for people. This “clock” doesn’t show real-time data. It’s a bit of Javascript that starts the clock at a set amount and clocks up. So don’t be fooled.

The video then goes on to show you Clickbank screens of sizeable sales over a few days ranging from a couple of thousand dollars to over $36,000. Looks impressive and while Clickbank income screenshots are easily faked in Photoshop, faking videos is not easy. That said, there’s no proof that the account you’re looking at is in fact an account for income generated with One Minute Commissions. It certainly makes it easy to assume making money is simple with this system.

Next come some endorsements by three other people. All are young, referred to by their forenames (i.e. no surnames) and I got the distinct impression that these were 4 buddies promoting a pal’s product. I may be way off base here but that was just my gut feeling.

After having to sit through several minutes of this video, the order button finally appears. The video continues on for much longer, talking up the system. It’s amateurish (not a good sign) with a young woman intermittently shuffling around her apartment, gazing out the window, drying dishes, etc.

Upsells and Downsells

One Minute Commissions is listed for sale at $46. There’s another warning sign. Products in this price range are frequently teasers for more expensive products in upsells and downsells.

One Minute Commissions didn’t disappoint. I lost count after 7 various offers were slapped in my face (one was for a $197 product). I hate upsells and downsells. I just want to buy the product on offer and not be assaulted with more ways to part me from my money. Many gurus will tell you that the upsells and downsells are where you make real money (if you’re a seller) but to my point of view, they’re an affront to a customer. There’s just a grubby, money-grabbing feel to them.

I didn’t buy any of offers.

The One Minute Commissions Product Itself

One Minute Commissions boils down to this: Create some videos for Clickbank or Amazon products, upload them to YouTube , add your affiliate link, video description and tags, publish your video and rake in the cash. Umm, yeah. That’s not a new idea so nothing new here then. That $197 product I mentioned above? It’s for building links to your videos.

One Minute Commissions has about 14 training videos, most of which relate to simple things like how to set up a Clickbank account, create a YouTube account, etc. There is a bit of useful information in the “How To Choose a Product” video. I’ll tell it to you here: pick products in the Clickbank Marketplace that have a gravity of between 5 and 30 (you can easily do that using CBEngine.

Now to some major problems, aside from the very simplistic nature of the video content: The videos in presented in mp4 format and they won’t play in all browsers. I ended up having to download them and play them in a media player on my PC. This is unconscionable – the very least a customer can expect is to have videos that play in their browser. There aren’t even any instructions provided to suggest what to do if videos don’t play.

Video 3 has a space before the .mp4 in the file name which you’ll need to remove before you can play it, even after downloading it!

Then we come to the volume levels on the videos. It varies from video to video, being extremely low on some some of them. Inevitably, after watching a low-volume video you forget to re-adjust your speaker volume and get blasted by the volume on the next video. Expect to change your speaker volume on a per video basis!

The “Accelero” Software

One Minute Commssions comes with a software app called “Accelero” that creates videos for you so this is the product’s main selling point. So what kind of videos can it produce? Can the other issues with this product be overlooked because it actually creates quality videos you can use?

Umm, no. ‘Fraid not.

When it creates your video, Accelero does so in AVI format, but using a codec that wasn’t recognized by Windows Media Player or Camtasia on my PC. I had to use the free Any Video Converter app to see the video. YouTube does seem to have the right codec and will upload and publish the videos.

Accelero asks you to enter the product name of the product you want to promote, your affiliate link and a picture of the product and then it creates your video. After a couple of minutes, you’re prompted to download it, there’s no option to automatically post videos to YouTube.

AVIs are about as bog-standard a video format as there is, yet these videos use some weird codec, which means you can’t preview them before uploading to YouTube. Several times, the videos produced couldn’t even be converted by Any Video Converter so they were useless.

And when Accelero does work what do you get? You get a crappy 378×243 pixel resolution (i.e. low grade) video that comprises the image you gave Accelero and an annoying electronic music soundtrack that lasts for about 30 seconds. There’s no sign of the product name (which you specified) in the video and, more importantly, no sign of your affiliate link.


One Minute Commissions is utter crap. Do not waste your money on it. It’s obvious that the product’s creator has no respect for his customers, partly due to the huge number of upsells and downsells thrown at you before you get to the member’s area. But more to the point, the training videos won’t play and the “Accelero” software doesn’t even do what it’s supposed to.

I couldn’t ask for a refund fast enough.

My Suggestions For Much Better Alternatives

1. You can do far better yourself with Explaindio to create videos. Then use the various tools and techniques outlined on my post on building backlinks (just point your links to your videos instead of websites).

If you already have a backlink building tool like SENuke TNG or Article Builder, then this is a better option for you. It’s the most comprehensive tool for creating videos available.

2. Use Content Samurai – This tool makes creating videos simple. You upload a script to it )one sentence per line works best) and it turns that script into text slides. It also looks at your text for keywords that it uses to find photos to add as backgrounds to those slides. You have as much control as your want – you can change the photos used, have them dynamically zoom in and out behind your text, insert video clips, add royalty free music tracks and/or add a voice recording. There’s no limit on how long your videos are and there’s no limit on how many you can create. Once they’re fully rendered, you can download your videos and then upload them to your favorite video sharing sites. Normally $97/mth, the above link will save you 50% (so you only pay $47/mth). I don’t know how long that offer will last, so if you’re asked for the full $97 price, try this link instead.

All the best,

Gary Nugent

P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that:

Free Affiliate Marketing Skool Group  

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