Today I launched a new service for getting WordPress blogs built. It’s called Top Design Blogs. Not everyone is familiar with WordPress or is able to create a site focused on promoting a product; not everyone has the time to write content. Some people just want a business in a box that they can run with.

That’s what this service offers.

There Are 3 Types of Blog Available
  • A Base Blog– this is a blog that’s built using

One way to same time when optimizing your site is to call in a professional SEO service to review your site. Most services will provide an SEO quote if you ask them and you can then decide if that’s the route you want to go with your site.

An SEO service will do what you do normally when you want to optimize your site, but they’ll also be able to provide advice on how to make certain aspects of SEO …

Unless you’ve been living under a rock or you’re new to the internet marketing scene, you’ll know that the recent Google Penguin update caused havoc for a lot of internet marketers and online businesses both large and small. And Google didn’t lose any sleep over the fact that they wiped out some people practically overnight. I suggest you read these posts to learn more about what happened, why and how it influences how you should promote your sites from now …

Well, Google has thrown the cat among the pigeons again with its recent Google Penguin Update.

Many affiliate marketers have seen their traffic plummet in the last couple of weeks and site rankings have been affected as well. What’s more, searches for keyword phrases are tending to show sites with poor content above those with useful content, in the search results.

So What’s Going On?

Well, first of all, the Google Penguin update has proven to be very unsettling …

I’m going to be talking about some changes that are required to your link building strategy today, thanks to a new little update at Google.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard by now that Google has been on a rampage this last month, testing out some new spam prevention features, and leaving devastated webmasters (and many affiliates) in their wake.

Unlike most algorithm updates, this is one that you really need to pay attention to if …

A while ago I asked my email list what topics they’d like me to write about. One of the top requests was on how to drive traffic to their websites. So with that in mind…

What Is Link Building?

Websites live or die on the web traffic and site visitors they get. And to get that traffic, webmasters have to promote their sites. There are various ways to do site promotion, which I’ll look at below, but they all revolve …

The Unique Article Wizard interface

Note: This is a product review, click here to visit Unique Article Wizard’s site

While Unique Article Wizard (UAW) is a service I looked at a number of times, it was only recently that I signed up for it. I’m already a member of Article Marketing Automation which posts articles to a blog network, so I wasn’t sure I wanted to sign up to what I thought was a similar service. However, I succumbed and …