Two things I need to tell you about in this post, both of which will have immediate and lasting effects on your search engine rankings… both take minutes to implement.

The first of these things I’ve written up totally in this post, and the second one is at another link. So relax and read all the way through this post now…

#1: If You’re Doing This, Stop NOW

As Andrew Hanson taught in his Unstoppable Affiliate course (no longer available), …

Adding products from Commission Junction advertisers to a blog has not been one of the easier tasks for affiliate marketers, especially not as posts for individual products.

One way to do it is to use the datafeeds provided by advertisers but you need a plugin like CVSPig or WP All Import to convert the datafeed into posts. And there may be some massaging of the datafeed required to remove unwanted products for example.

I just became aware of a brand

One Affiliate Marketing Difficulty

One of the hardest things for any Affiliate Marketer to do is to pick a Niche that will allow them to build a successful and profitable blog or website. This is especially true for Auto Blogs. “How do I find the best Niche?” or “What is the Best Niche to Start with when building Affiliate Websites or Auto Blogging?” are the most common questions asked by affiliate marketers.

It’s actually quite difficult to explain this process …

UPDATE: This plugin is no longer available and nothing similar is available these days.

I thought I’d written a review of Web Traffic Genius some months back but, since I can’t find such a review on this blog, I guess I never wrote it!

Normally I’d add a new product review here but this time what I’ve done is set up a new domain exclusively for the review, so click here to read my Web Traffic Genius Software Review.

I …

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ll know that I’ve mentioned the AutoBlog Blueprint in several posts. It is, I believe, the most thorough course on blogging available and covers all aspects of setting up an automated blog from keyword research to webhosting, free and commercial plugins to use and the all-important backlinking strategy for sites.

It’s the philosophy I follow for building blogs that I can’t personally maintain in a day-to-day basis, like those I have for …

I’ve added a new page to this site called Domain Names & Blogs For Sale where I’ll be selling aged domain names and pre-built WordPress blogs. Stats for each (PageRank, Alexa traffic, pages indexed and no of backlinks) are available from the page.

If there’s a niche or topic you’d be interested in seeing a blog created for, drop me an email. I can’t promise that I have the content available to build such a blog but there’s a …

It’s been a little over 2 months since my last progress report on the Cheap Electricity Options blog. The blog is now just over 4 months old. This is what it looks like now:

I’ve added a couple of more plugins to the site to help in getting more backlinks:

Indexing Tool Plugin: This is a commercial plugin ($47) that aids in getting backlinks by getting the articles you submit to article directories and blogs indexed. Rather than repeating information …

This product is no longer available.

I’ve previously written about a great plugin that will help boost the value of all the backlinks that you receive to your WordPress site.

And now there’s an additional fantastic new way to achieve the same goal and possibly with even better results!

This WordPress plugin is called Pingback Optimizer. In principle it does the same thing as Paul Forcey?s Indexing Tool plugin – that is, it reads the list of pingbacks that your …

UPDATE: This plugin is no longer available

If you do article marketing, your articles will be added to numerous blogs, especially if you use a service like Unique Article Wizard (UAW) or Article Builder. But, generally, once the articles are submitted, we all assume it’s job done and move on to something else.

Each article submitted will have a couple of links in it to your site and if there are several hundred versions of an article submitted to …