If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ll know that I’ve mentioned the AutoBlog Blueprint in several posts. It is, I believe, the most thorough course on blogging available and covers all aspects of setting up an automated blog from keyword research to webhosting, free and commercial plugins to use and the all-important backlinking strategy for sites.

It’s the philosophy I follow for building blogs that I can’t personally maintain in a day-to-day basis, like those I have for …

The Unique Article Wizard interface

Note: This is a product review, click here to visit Unique Article Wizard’s site

While Unique Article Wizard (UAW) is a service I looked at a number of times, it was only recently that I signed up for it. I’m already a member of Article Marketing Automation which posts articles to a blog network, so I wasn’t sure I wanted to sign up to what I thought was a similar service. However, I succumbed and …