Silent Sales Machine Episode 396 - A Journey From Amazon Basics To $50K/Month Success With Private Labeling

This podcast episode is the story of a journey from “Amazon basic selling” into “Private Label”.

If you didn’t realize it, 95% of the YouTube “gurus” talking about Amazon selling are convincing new sellers to jump straight into building their own private label brand.

This is taught by most experts as, “the ONLY way to go”.

The truth they don’t tell you though, is that an estimated 90% or more of those “Private Label gold rush seekers” never make a …

Freedom Sale Package 2021

Are you all prepared for The Freedom Sale that’s happening this weekend?…

It’s called a FREEDOM SALE because it happens on the July 4th weekend and because the products focus on creating financial freedom!

Instantly Save 93% on 3 top-quality products: ConverToolz, Commission Magnets and IMClinic

Omar & Melinda have been able to pull themselves up from homelessness by building an online business.

They’ve achieved FREEDOM from the chains of traditional jobs by selling digital products on the …

Silent Sales Machine Episode 371

The guest is this podcast edition works two intense full-time jobs and is also building an incredible business using the unique “Amazon Replens” strategies as taught only in the Proven Amazon Course.

She also has three kids! Wow!

She’s selling about $30K per month at a healthy margin while using only ONE TOOL (Keepa!).

That’s right – she’s not using any fancy software because she understands (as you may have heard podcast host Jim Cockrum

Silent Sales Machine Episode 369

If you’re a new Amazon seller, here’s a rule of thumb that will serve you well: Until you are earning a thousand dollars per month of profit, you should NOT invest in software and tools.

You should be getting started by MAKING money instead of SPENDING money.

Did you know that all of the dozens of Amazon seller tools that claim to help you find great products to sell are all using the exact same data purchased from Amazon?

Did …

Silent Sales Machine Episode 345

On this episode, we hear from Spencer Carlson, a husband and father who is building something special on Amazon.

He’s working with his parents and his brother on a family adventure.

Spencer is a Jim Cockrum Coaching student who started selling on Amazon during college with less than exciting results (before he found Jim), but as he began to grow his family and get into his medical career, he started taking his online ventures more seriously.

Jim’s best selling course …

Silent Sales Machine Episode 344

After running his own very unusual niche business online for several years (he sold WORMS!) with some success, the guest in this episode discovered the Amazon training in the Proven Amazon Course (PAC).

He jumped into the REPLENS training (which is included in PAC) and within a very short time (a couple weeks) he was making sales of all manner of profitable items on Amazon.

On his first day of research he found 150 profitable items (ASINs) to sell!

His …

Silent Sales Machine Episode 343

First – Eric Borgeson is another dad who gets to be home thanks to his ecommerce business!

This episode’s guest has been a member of Jim Cockrum’s Amazon Seller community for some time now.

He was actually a guest of the show back in 2017 which was just after Jim’s house burned down from a lightning strike (a year he’ll never forget!)

Since that time, Eric has steadily grown his business and enjoys a flexible lifestyle working from home with …

PAC Webinar Feb 26, 2021

Join Ryan and Jenni on the Proven Amazon Course webinar this Friday (26th) evening for a unique look into how to grow your Amazon business by repurposing what you know and even the products you sell into other streams of income.

Register for the free webinar here…

4 Habits of Entrepreneurs Who Fail

There’s no denying that the internet is flooded with articles and videos on the “habits of highly successful entrepreneurs.”

But what about those who fail?

What are their habits?

Anthony Morrison talks about the Top 4 Habits of Entrepreneurs Who Fail in the video below.

The truth is…

We can learn just as much (if not more) from the mistakes of others versus only looking at what they did right.

This training might feel like a bit of tough love, …

Silent Sales Machine Episode 301

The guest in this podcast is Oscar.

He returns to update on his Amazon journey!

Within 90 days he was selling $30K per month on Amazon (see Episode #218) and now, at the one year mark, he’s just passed the $500K mark!

You’ll love the strategies and encouragement that just flows from this guy – it’s infectious!

If you are looking for practical tips for Amazon selling success mixed in with plenty of motivation and encouragement, this episode is …