One Affiliate Marketing Difficulty

One of the hardest things for any Affiliate Marketer to do is to pick a Niche that will allow them to build a successful and profitable blog or website. This is especially true for Auto Blogs. “How do I find the best Niche?” or “What is the Best Niche to Start with when building Affiliate Websites or Auto Blogging?” are the most common questions asked by affiliate marketers.

It’s actually quite difficult to explain this process …

A while back, I wrote a post on Why Using Google Analytics Is A Bad Idea. Rather than me reiterating what I said in that post, basically if you install Google Analytics code on your site, you are giving Google a back door window into your traffic patterns and they will quickly determine that your (affiliate) site is not the kind of site they want in their index.

Open Source Web Analytics Software

So you have to use an …

The Unique Article Wizard interface

Note: This is a product review, click here to visit Unique Article Wizard’s site

While Unique Article Wizard (UAW) is a service I looked at a number of times, it was only recently that I signed up for it. I’m already a member of Article Marketing Automation which posts articles to a blog network, so I wasn’t sure I wanted to sign up to what I thought was a similar service. However, I succumbed and …