SBI (Site Build It) is much more than just another website creation tool. Behind it lie some really valuable tools that make it easy to identify what content you should be adding to your site, along with tools for getting your site noticed by both the search engines and real visitors.

SBI is about building a viable online business. Other website builders leave you high and dry once your website is built. How do you drive traffic? Engage …

I’ve been thinking about all the affiliate and internet marketing courses I’ve bought and learned from over the years. And how many just languish on my digital shelves now and how many I actually used and still use.

Many had short lifetimes because they exploited a loophole or trick to achieve their aim and, once that was plugged, whatever the course taught didn’t work any more.

Then there’s the simple reality that the internet is an incredibly dynamic entity.

Google …

Did you miss Andrew Hansen’s The $14,300/mth SEO Action Plan For 2014 webinar last night?

Maybe you didn’t know about it. Maybe you forgot. Maybe you couldn’t attend. maybe all the spots were filled when you arrived. Maybe you weren’t interested.

If how your websites and blogs rank in the search engines, and the consequent traffic and customers you get from good placement are of any interest to you, then take some time out to watch the webinar replay. But

It’s now been 6 weeks since Andrew Hansen launched his Forever Affiliate affiliate marketing blueprint, so I thought it was time to provide a progress report on how I’ve been doing with it.

Andrew Hansen’s Forever Affiliate Course Members Area

Getting Started

The first couple of weeks I spent just going through the course materials, familiarizing myself with Hansen’s approach to product research, site structure and layout, competition analysis and promotional techniques. There are quite a few videos in …

I got a few email queries about what I thought of Andrew Hansen’s new Forever Affiliate course. As I mentioned in my previous post, I didn’t know anything about it apart from the fact that he’d just released a new course.

The course I consistently rely on is Mike Johnson’s Profit Marketer as it’s detailed, gets updated constantly and provides members with pre-configured blogs, top-notch plugins and themes and great support (there’s more on it here). …

2012 saw two major updates to Google’s search engine known as the Panda and Penguin updates. These changed the landscape by introducing new criteria by which websites are ranked. It’s fair to say that while Google intended to scrub thin, spammy sites from its index and boost quality sites to the top of the rankings, the exact opposite happened.

There are plenty of stories about legitimate online businesses (not internet or affiliate marketers) who saw their sites (and earnings) tank …

One way to same time when optimizing your site is to call in a professional SEO service to review your site. Most services will provide an SEO quote if you ask them and you can then decide if that’s the route you want to go with your site.

An SEO service will do what you do normally when you want to optimize your site, but they’ll also be able to provide advice on how to make certain aspects of SEO …

An Opinion On SENukeXcr

In early 2011, I started using a software tool which was way ahead of its time. I didn’t know this, but my Blogs sure did appreciate it. It allowed me to boost my positions in the search engines by submitting articles to Article Directories, Social Network and Social Bookmarking site, Web 2.0 properties, RSS aggregators and forums and, rather than it submitting in a shotgun effect, it used specific link building strategies to build tiered links that would provide more …

Well, Google has thrown the cat among the pigeons again with its recent Google Penguin Update.

Many affiliate marketers have seen their traffic plummet in the last couple of weeks and site rankings have been affected as well. What’s more, searches for keyword phrases are tending to show sites with poor content above those with useful content, in the search results.

So What’s Going On?

Well, first of all, the Google Penguin update has proven to be very unsettling …

I’m going to be talking about some changes that are required to your link building strategy today, thanks to a new little update at Google.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard by now that Google has been on a rampage this last month, testing out some new spam prevention features, and leaving devastated webmasters (and many affiliates) in their wake.

Unlike most algorithm updates, this is one that you really need to pay attention to if …