Iolo's Phoenix 360

Iolo recently launched a new product called Phoenix 360.

Through to the end of April you save 50% on this PC protection and tune-up software. This brings the cost of Phoenix 360 down from $79.95 to $39.97! This is a significant discount, as the RRP for all of the separate titles within Phoenix 360 is actually $239.65!

Phoenix 360 provides total performance, protection and privacy for your digital life. It is a suite of 7 integrated software products and …

cloud defender logo

Product: Cloud Defender
Product Type: WordPress security
Price: $15.78 (dime sale – price rises by $0.01 every 10 sales)
Where To Buy: Click here to go to the sales page
Guarantee: 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
My Rating: 4.8 out 5

The Video Version of This Review:

The Cloud Defender Overview

In my previous post, I talked about why securing your WordPress site is vitally important these days.

I also mentioned the increasing importance of using SSL certificates both …

I recently got an email from Gary Ambrose (an internet marketer who’s one of the better guys) promoting a product that turned out to be from another marketer called Jamie Lewis. The product was called Magnum Commissions.

The Sales Process Begins

The affiliate link took me to a video that introduced me to Magnum Commissions and how it was so easy to get commissions by promoting products on the internet. I decided to bite to see where this would …

Bring The Fresh isn’t a very good name for a product as it doesn’t convey anything about what the product is. It’s closed now anyway. You could be forgiven for thinking it had something to do with fruit given the “Fresh” reference. In fact it has nothing to do with food, freshly washed clothes or anything like that. In fact it’s a course on how to build successful, profitable blogs for those who want want to earn money in the …

I’m just back from a 10-day vacation (my first in 18 months) in Tenerife. And, since I completely divorce myself from the internet when I go on holidays (no laptop, no surfing the ‘net on my smartphone and no skulking off to the nearest internet cafe for an online fix), one of the things I have to contend with when I get back is the sheer amount of email that drops into my Inbox while I’m away.

When I finally …

UPDATE: This plugin is no longer available and nothing similar is available these days.

I thought I’d written a review of Web Traffic Genius some months back but, since I can’t find such a review on this blog, I guess I never wrote it!

Normally I’d add a new product review here but this time what I’ve done is set up a new domain exclusively for the review, so click here to read my Web Traffic Genius Software Review.

I …

This product is no longer available.

I’ve previously written about a great plugin that will help boost the value of all the backlinks that you receive to your WordPress site.

And now there’s an additional fantastic new way to achieve the same goal and possibly with even better results!

This WordPress plugin is called Pingback Optimizer. In principle it does the same thing as Paul Forcey?s Indexing Tool plugin – that is, it reads the list of pingbacks that your …

UPDATE: This plugin is no longer available

If you do article marketing, your articles will be added to numerous blogs, especially if you use a service like Unique Article Wizard (UAW) or Article Builder. But, generally, once the articles are submitted, we all assume it’s job done and move on to something else.

Each article submitted will have a couple of links in it to your site and if there are several hundred versions of an article submitted to …