The Unique Article Wizard interface

Note: This is a product review, click here to visit Unique Article Wizard’s site

While Unique Article Wizard (UAW) is a service I looked at a number of times, it was only recently that I signed up for it. I’m already a member of Article Marketing Automation which posts articles to a blog network, so I wasn’t sure I wanted to sign up to what I thought was a similar service. However, I succumbed and signed up to UAW. The monthly fee is $67.

Where similar services post to blog networks, Unique Article Wizard posts articles to article directories. Over 1,000 directories are listed in its database; some cover a wide range of categories while some are very niche specific. So your article won’t be posted to every directory but having an article go out to several hundred directories would be an average result.

Unique Article Wizard also includes a way of spinning articles. And, since these go out to article directories, each article has an associated author bio. And it’s here that Unique Article Wizard’s power lies…

Hidden Power

Normally, people will copy and paste the same author bio at the bottom of their articles. So you get the same links and keywords used across all the directories the article is submitted to. Those more familiar with article marketing may create a few variations of their bio so different links, anchor text and phrases appear in the bio. That’s fine if you’re submitting to a handful of sites but what if your article is going out to several hundred sites?

Unique Article Wizard’s system allows you to create a huge number of author bios in a short amount of time so that each time your article is posted, a unique bio is attached to it. The search engines don’t like to see the same anchor text in every link pointing to a site. It’s unnatural. So using different keywords in your anchor text, alternating links to other pages on your site and having different phrases in the bio text makes it look like the owners of the article directories have written the author bio rather then you. The result is you get a better quality backlink from each directory.

A very nice feature is that you can get UAW to include a link in your bio that allows the reader to get their own unique version of your article rather than copying the version they’ve just read and using that on their site. Webmasters love unique content. That link is also an affiliate link, so if someone joins UAW, you’ll earn a recurring commission on their membership fee. Not only that, but the UAW affiliate program is a 2-tier one and you’ll earn a recurring 5% commission from all those who join under people who joined under you. This excellent affiliate program is a bonus.

Indeed, there’s a third bonus. UAW provide plugins for a number of article directory and blog systems so if you run your own article directory or blog, you can have articles from UAW posted on your site. This is particularly useful for people running their own blog networks (used to point at their actual money sites) who want a constant flow of content.

A Real Time Saver

Submit a different unique article to hundreds of sites

Perhaps the feature that elevates Unique Article Wizard above competing systems is that you don’t have to register with even a single article directory.

Click here to visit Unique Article Wizard’s site

That’s all automatically handled for you. Other article submission systems require you to sign up with a login name and password and possibly a capcha and having to do that hundreds of times is a monumental task. UAW frees you completely from that onerous duty.

You also receive a daily email informing you about the number of articles submitted that day and the total number of directories each article has been submitted to.

Oh, and they allow you to use any number of pseudonyms on your articles. Great if you’re submitting PLR articles on a topic you personally know little about!

While UAW says you can promote at most two links to the same domain in an article (including the author bio), I’ve confirmed with them that you can in fact promote more. You are limited to two links per domain per article but you could add another link or two to another domain into your article if you want.

Any Downsides?

If there is any downside, it’s the article review process. All submissions are reviewed by UAW’s human staff to ensure they meet their quality criteria. This results in a 2 to 3-day delay between when an article is submitted and when it is actually accepted and fired out to the article directories themselves. It’s a bit if a nuisance when you expect things to happen immediately.

That said, anyone who’s ever submitted an article to knows that you have to wait several days before an article is accepted by them. So a 2-3 day wait for UAW isn’t that bad.

UAW also doesn’t post articles to However, that’s not too much of an issue as you can simply copy one of your spun articles from Unique Article Wizard and paste it into the submission box. But it is an extra hoop you have to jump through.


It’s only been a couple of weeks since I posted my first articles. One of my sites had an average of 1000 visits per day for the last few months (up till Sept. 2009). Since starting to use UAW, that site has had 1249 visits between Oct 1st and Oct. 23rd. That’s a 25% increase in traffic. If that rate of increase keeps up, I can expect about 1680 visits per day by the end of the month, a 68% increase in traffic.

That translates into more ads clicked and more products sold through affiliate links and ads on the site.

In time, as the search engines find all the various backlinks to that site, its page rankings will also increase.


I have to say I like Unique Article Wizard. It’s a very professional site with a nice interface, is easy to use and has the bonus of a good affiliate program and, through its plugins, the ability to have its articles posted on article directories or blogs you own.

It provides four ways of preparing an article for submission, two each for beginners and advanced users familiar with the system. UAW also makes it easy to embed images, audio and video into your articles. And step-by-step videos are provided for all stages of article preparation and submission for those who need them. If you don’t even know enough HTML to build a link, UAW’s Hyperlink Builder will take care of that for you.

Any articles you submit through UAW are vetted by a human before being forwarded to the article directories. This ensures the quality of articles coming from it is high which is good for everyone.

I’m going to keep my membership in Article Marketing Automation and Unique Article Wizard as they are complementary services: AMA posts to blogs, UAW posts to article directories and using both together gives good coverage of the different types of site. Besides, an article prepared for spinning in AMA can be easily converted for import into UAW so beyond some additional preparation (author bios and such) one prepared article fits both services.

Click here to become a Unique Article Wizard affiliate – it’s free
Click here for Unique Article Wizard article directory and blog plugins – add content to your sites for free
Click here to join Unique Article Wizard – and start posting your own articles.


All the best,

Gary Nugent

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