SyndBuddy Reviewed

In my previous post, I told you about a special offer on Joshua Zamora’s SyndBuddy content syndication tool.

I didn’t own the tool at the time myself, but I bought it a couple of days ago, while the special offer was still on, so I could get an in-depth look at it and to review it for you guys.

One thing I have to point out is that the Special Offer is now over and SyndBuddy has increased to …

Fast Traffic Bot Ad

Fast Traffic Bot – Don’t forget to use the coupon code at the bottom of the sales page to save a few extra dollars!…

Google Index Update

PubCon is a major annual digital marketing conference held in Las Vegas each year. And this year, a significant announcement came during the keynote speech given by Gary Illyes of Google (think of him as the new Matt Cutts).

That announcement is that Google are going to divide their search engine index between mobile and desktop sites within a few months…and the Primary Index will be the Mobile one, not Desktop. That means the Desktop index won’t be as …

SpinRewriter 7

Article spinners have come and gone over the years. And, for the price point, it’s probably the best spinner out there.

Is it the best spinner available? No. That accolade goes to WordAI (they have a 3-day trial) but for that human-level quality of spinning, you pay quite a bit more ($49.95/mth or $347/yr). If you can afford it, it’s definitely worth the expense.

For everyone else, SpinRewiter 7 is a very good alternative. It’s a lot better than The

We All Need Website Visitors

Anyone who owns a website wants people to visit it. You can either pay to have people visit (like paying for Pay Per Click ads) or you can rely on Organic (Free) Traffic. The problem with the latter is that if your site and its posts/pages are not highly ranked in the search engines, then you’ll only get a trickle of traffic this way.

Quality Backlinks Are Important

That’s why building quality backlinks with related …

A few months ago Mike Johnson and the Profit.FM team had an idea on the best way to improve the amount of traffic that we as affiliate marketers get to our offers. Not just products we own, but affiliate offers as well.

They looked at Amazon and saw the success they were having and saw that all kinds of businesses were saying they were getting a minimum of 34-35% increases in sales conversions just by doing one small thing…

Adding …

One way you can improve your organic search results is to use pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. There are two ways to go here: either do it yourself or outsource to a pay per click management service.

Going It Alone With PPC

With this option, you bid on keywords in a PPC engine (like Google Adwords) and create ad campaigns to advertise your wares. The higher you bid for a keyword, the higher your ad will appear on searches for that keyword. …

Unless you’ve been living under a rock or you’re new to the internet marketing scene, you’ll know that the recent Google Penguin update caused havoc for a lot of internet marketers and online businesses both large and small. And Google didn’t lose any sleep over the fact that they wiped out some people practically overnight. I suggest you read these posts to learn more about what happened, why and how it influences how you should promote your sites from now …

The hugely discounted yearly and lifetime license offers for the all new SENuke XCr comes to an end at midnight tonight! Either you see its power or you don’t.

This is the release that the internet is buzzing about and the same release that serious marketers are grabbing up before the introductory deal ends tonight.


Because they know it gets you results with getting page one rankings!

Secondly they know that it is the most advanced and user friendly …