I’ve been thinking about all the affiliate and internet marketing courses I’ve bought and learned from over the years. And how many just languish on my digital shelves now and how many I actually used and still use.

Many had short lifetimes because they exploited a loophole or trick to achieve their aim and, once that was plugged, whatever the course taught didn’t work any more.

Then there’s the simple reality that the internet is an incredibly dynamic entity.

Google …

Great news, super affiliate millionaire, Mark Ling, is putting on a NEW webinar today (and tomorrow (if today doesn’t suit) where he teaches you in step-by-step detail, 7 ways to drive FLOODS of traffic online – none of which rely on Google:

On top of the 7 strategies he teaches in more detail he also is going to be covering a further 8 or so other strategies in brief detail as well…

…So that’s a lot of traffic-getting stuff being …