How My Mentor Lost $600K And Didn't GAF!

Have you been scammed or tried business opportunities that didn’t work out?

I’d be surprised if you hadn’t – this has happened to most of us at one time or another.

I understand how disheartening it can be when things don’t work out as planned.

But I want to give you hope if you’ve tried things before and they haven’t worked out.

If you’ve been scammed before and it made you want to quit, I want to give you hope.

Let me tell you how my mentor, Zach, lost $600,000 and bounced back.

Zach's free Skool GroupZach’s Free Skool Group

While he’s American, he’d moved to the Philippines.

He never had plans to ever live in America again.

He was buying a mansion and a Lambo so was committing to living in the Philippines long-term.

Then, suddenly, he was back in the USA, and not by choice.

As a foreigner in the Philippines, it’s a complicated process because you can’t buy land, and if you don’t have specific visas, it’s very hard to conduct business or build your own assets.

So foolishly, as Zach says, he trusted a “friend” – notice friend is in quotes.

Long story short, this “friend” knew Zach was loaded and that he would make hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly.

So this “friend” did everything he could to build Zach’s trust by helping him with everything he needed, treating Zach’s fiance like a queen, and convincing him he was a real friend.

The moment this “friend” saw his opportunity, he put his plan into action.

Zach sent the money through the “friend” for the Lambo and Mansion because it was the only way to make the deal happen.

The moment all the money hit his account, the “friend” disappeared and cut off all communication, then put a plan into action to have Zach killed to cover it up!

He ran Zach out of the country, and Zach was one step away from not having the ability to interact with his community ever again.

For some reading this, you may think what an idiot Zach was.

He’d agree with you, but he’s human, right?

He (reasonably) thought this guy was his friend and cared about him, just like Zach cared about him.

Now, how does this have anything to do with business?


In business, you’re going to make some good moves and bad moves, but how you view them makes all the difference.

Zach has made many wrong moves in his career (haven’t we all?), but the few good moves made him millions in return.

If you invest in the wrong course or mentor, you can’t let it stop you.

If you try one business and fail, you can’t let it stop you.

You see, when Zach lost $600,000, he felt like the biggest embarrassment to the world.

He cried halfway home on his first-class flight.

Imagine that… most people are happy in first class, and his whole flight home was pure misery.

He was so ashamed that he let his family down and thought all his followers would never listen to him again.

But once he got home, he prayed and asked God for guidance.

He realized that losing the $600k was a blessing, not a curse.

It taught him so many valuable lessons about trusting the wrong people, persevering through challenges, and becoming mentally stronger so he could help more people.

He still keeps the Lambo on his Facebook profile to remind him never to let that happen again.

Guess what happened as a result of that experience?

He used the pain, anger, and frustration to motivate himself to go back to it again.

AI Cash MachinesZach’s newest course

He shared the story with his followers, and to his surprise, people started Direct Messaging him and asking to to please coach them.

He couldn’t believe it.

There he was, sharing one of the most painful experiences of his life, just hoping it could inspire someone not to give up on their dreams.

He didn’t give any call to action or have any intention of selling anything.

When he flew home and was praying, he kept getting this message: I must share this experience with others.

He trusted the message in his mind and shared it freely, and Zach was right back on track in just 30 days.

And he bought a Lambo that is 10x better.

In fact it’s the best Huracan money can buy and the old Lambo in the Philippines was just a basic model.

So here is what he’s trying to tell you.

Don’t let setbacks… set you back.

Let the setbacks be a set up for a comeback.

Let the setbacks you face in business and life propel you to be a better person.

Let the setbacks motivate you that nothing will stop you.

Put faith in yourself and God and stand back up and go at it again.

When you make millions, you will understand that you can’t make the millions without being willing to fail and lose first.

The painful experiences are what teach you what to do right.

Your mess will later become your message, inspiring others to follow you and take you seriously.

They will follow you because you understand their pain, and you figured out how to make it out on the other side.

Embrace your pain and keep pushing through because later, it will make you boatloads of money and empower others.

All Zach’s failures made him who he is today.

If he had made the millions before the learning experiences, he truly believes that he would be broke by now.

You can’t make millions without the willingness to lose thousands first.

Anything worth having in life requires risk to get the reward.

This is also why so many people live mediocre lives and work in a job their whole life wishing they could do so much more.

They aren’t willing to lose and if they hit one setback they give up and quit.

So Zach’s message for you is to keep going.

You’re so much stronger and capable than you think you are.


All the best,

Gary Nugent

P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that:

RPM Presentation  

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