Spencer Mecham made the video below about how to get started in affiliate marketing.
Why should you listen to him instead of anyone else?
Because he’s Clickfunnels®’ #1 affiliate.
Spencer is a Dream Car winner in the Clickfunnels® affiliate program. That means he’s recruited at least 100 people into Clickfunnels®. And for that, he’s given $500 per month – in addition to his regular commissions – to cover payments on the car of his choice.
With that number of referrals, I estimated he’d be earning somewhere between $3,880 and $11,880 per month, just in commissions.
The reason for the big difference in potential income is because Clickfunnels® has two price points and not everyone will have joined at the same price. A more realistic guesstimate is that he’s earning $6,000-$8,000 per month from these 100 referrals.
In fact, Spencer has referred over 1,800 people to Clickfunnels® and he’s won more than one Dream Car.
And that’s all passive income. And these are the kinds of daily commissions he was earning in August 2018…
Clickfunnels®, in case you’ve never heard of it, is a Software as a Service (SaaS) for building all kinds of pages – landing pages, squeeze pages, video sales letters, thank you pages, sales funnels, webinars, membership sites and blogs.
It allows non-technical people to quickly put professional-quality pages together very quickly, from hundreds of existing page templates, or completely from scratch.
I reviewed Clickfunnels® in this post and talked about why I also chose to promote it as an affiliate marketer.
If you want more info, Russell Brunson, Clickfunnels®’ founder, talks here about how successful the company became last year.
Spencer is also a 2-Comma winner in Clickfunnels®. That refers to the two commas in $1,000,000. Yes, he’s earned over one million dollars – in commissions, not just sales – through the Clickfunnels® affiliate program.
Now, if a guy like that doesn’t know what he’s doing, who does?
Spencer knows his stuff and he knows how to get results in affiliate marketing.
So here’s his affiliate marketing introduction…
Click here to get Spencer’s Free Affiliate Marketing course.
You’ll find more of Spencer’s free training courses here. There are courses on Email Automation, Copywriting Secrets, Messenger Bots, Launching An Online Course and Sales Funnels.
Spencer also has a free web class where he shows how he created a 7-figure income from affiliate marketing in 2018. There’s also a case study where he shows how he made his first $1,000 online.
While Spencer does give away a lot of free training, he also has a paid course – Affiliate Secrets 2.0 – for more serious marketers. There’s an inside look at it here.
If you’re interested in his course, there’s more information on it here.
Incidentally, he records his videos in the crawlspace below his house! He’s built a makeshift studio down there with a camera, microphone and some lights. It just goes to show that you don’t have to shell out a lot of money to build a functional studio away from distractions and external noise!
Secrets of A Clickfunnels® Dream Car Winner – Spencer Mecham:
Spencer Mecham Shares How He Made Over $1.5 Million…
A Couple of Testimonials For Spencer’s Course
Join Spencer’s Facebook Group
Get Spencer’s Affiliate Marketing Course

All the best,
Gary Nugent
P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that:
Tagged with: affiliate marketing • affiliate marketing course • affiliate marketing training • ClickFunnels • learn affiliate marketing
Filed under: Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a huge marketing indeed and just anyone can make money online following this guide.
Spencer’s free training you recommended was indeed helpful to get started with affiliate marketing. Thanks.
Glad you found Spencer’s free training useful, Echomag. There’s more free affiliate marketing training here (though not from Spencer).