2012 saw two major updates to Google’s search engine known as the Panda and Penguin updates. These changed the landscape by introducing new criteria by which websites are ranked. It’s fair to say that while Google intended to scrub thin, spammy sites from its index and boost quality sites to the top of the rankings, the exact opposite happened.

There are plenty of stories about legitimate online businesses (not internet or affiliate marketers) who saw their sites (and earnings) tank overnight as a result of the Google updates (particularly Penguin). Despite the hue and cry that was raised at the time, Google remained uncharacteristically quiet in the aftermath. Perhaps they were too busy trying to figure out what went wrong in the update while never publicly admitting something had gone wrong.

Google don’t like affiliate marketing sites. They see them as parasitic, earning money off Google’s efforts to provide quality information to web users. Google seem to forget that they are also parasitic by crawling the billions of sites on the web, gathering information, sometimes without permission, and using that to their own ends, ostensibly to provide quality results to those search the web for information. But Google have long placed Adsense ads on their search pages and make the bulk of their income by monetizing information scraped from other peoples sites.

Video review of Mike Johnson’s Profit Marketer

There’s now an arms race between Google who supposedly are trying to show quality results and webmasters who are doing their best to get their sites listed high enough in the search engines so their sites will be seen. Often they’re competing against large companies (who Google seem to favor).

Panda and Penguin won’t be the last Google updates, obviously. And there is at least one major search engine update due out this year which will take more account of AuthorRank. The patent for this was originally filed in 2005 but the software technology to implement it really only arrived on the scene in the last year or so.

So have you even heard of AuthorRank before? And even if you have, do you know how to use it in your SEO efforts? Most people will answer “no” to the first question, and of those who could answer “yes”, most of them won’t know anything about how to use AuthorRank or what it’s even about.

So how are you supposed to keep up with the changes in Google, let alone how you need to change your SEO focus to account for those changes?

Take a look at the WP Toolkit (formerly Profit Marketer) All-In-One blogging solution that’s updated regularly to take account of changes in Google (like AuthorRank) and the WordPress blogging landscape. This is the most comprehensive blogging toolkit available.

You get a huge number of Pro-level themes to use, Pro-level WordPress plugins that are uniquely available to members, access to services that make niche and keyword research simple, webhosting and site cloning facilities and a thriving community where you can exchange ideas and get help. You’ll also learn what plugins are the best to use on your sites and which ones to avoid.

I’ve been a member for a couple of years now and seen this solution morph from the top-class AutoBlog Blueprint to Profit.FM, then to Profit Marketer and finally into WP Toolkit. It moves with the times, does not become stale but remains dynamic, current, and up-to-date with the changing trends in blogging.

If you’re serious about blogging, earning an online income and staying ahead of everyone else, then you do owe it to yourself to look this over, so check it out now.


All the best,

Gary Nugent

P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that:


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